Category Random thoughts
I share random thoughts on my blog as a way to explore diverse ideas and spark creativity. This practice allows me to connect with readers on a personal level, offering a mix of insights and reflection on everyday life.

Embracing Quotes in Blogging: A Reflection
As an enthusiastic blogger with a passion for writing and analytical thinking, I’ve always valued the power of words and detailed analysis. Coming from a background in accountancy, my love for precision and attention to detail has only grown stronger,…

Samen sterker: De kunst van het bouwen van sterke teams
Het gevoel van spanning bij het ontdekken van nieuwe samenwerkingspartners, of het nu klasgenoten of collega’s zijn, is iets waar velen van ons mee bekend zijn. De vraag “Met wie ga ik ditmaal samen ideeën uitwerken?” blijft boeiend. Vooral in…

The Power of Why: How Apple and Simon Sinek Inspire Us
It always intrigues me when classmates start discussing their opinions on Apple. Invariably, they seem to either adore the brand or reject it completely; there seems to be no middle ground. This phenomenon is a prime example of a powerful…

Why I started a blog
Hello there! Welcome to my first blog post. Starting January 1, 2016, I’ll try to regularly post about my studies and interests. But why am I doing this, you might ask? Read on to find out! Of course, I also…