Hello there! Welcome to my first blog post. Starting January 1, 2016, I’ll try to regularly post about my studies and interests. But why am I doing this, you might ask? Read on to find out!
To keep my friends and family updated. By posting articles, I can easily share events with family, friends, and colleagues.
To document my academic journey. By recording my entire study process, I create a clear picture of my education, allowing me to always look back on what I’ve accomplished.
To share my passion. I have an interest in entrepreneurship and technology. This could be a way to share my affinity for these subjects.
To organize my thoughts. Writing is a great way to form a coherent opinion on a topic. Blogging forces me to do research and think critically.
To profile myself online. Starting my own blog allows me to share my interests and develop an identity. This can later help me land a better job or assignment that truly suits me.
Of course, I also find joy in maintaining a blog. I hope you’ll join me on this 4-year journey (or longer?) of blogging. My next post will go online in two weeks. Until then!
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Floris Meulensteen
A dedicated startup developer who is passionate about creating and shaping digital value propositions.