Together with Hugo van Schaik I’ve written an ebook to help you guide towards product/market-fit.

Why did I choose to study Marketing Management – Digital Business Concepts (DBC)?

I have been studying Marketing Management – Digital Business Concepts at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Tilburg for a few months now. Despite having told my family and friends several times that I am really enjoying myself, you probably still don’t know why I specifically chose this study. Therefore, I want to dedicate my blog post to explain my choice.

Why did I choose this bachelor?
As many of you know, I have a passion for entrepreneurship and technology. It is not for nothing that I had created my own online mafia game when I was 15 years old. Besides building online mafia games, I would also like to learn how to establish a thriving business model in other ways via the internet. And that is exactly what this study is teaching me. During classes, we look at innovations and current affairs, which helps you see the gaps in the market. My study teaches me to seize market opportunities.

Why do I think that this bachelor is different?
Having studied Business Administration at Avans for one year, I learned that many courses still maintain an old way of teaching. You are crammed with rock-hard theory that you end up forgetting largely when you go to work. I am not saying that my programme does this totally differently, but they do think about how education can be taught in a different way. They try to let you work in projects with real clients as much as possible. They support theory as much as possible with practice-related subjects. The programme does not expect you to sit still, but to get to work yourself. I feel at home in the entrepreneurial atmosphere.

What do I find typical about this bachelor?
The programme is a part of the school Academy for Creative Industries. I find the creativity part very important, because this is increasingly demanded from the labour market. Education has made us lose most of our creativity. Drawing and painting would be very bad for me, but there is more focus on creative computer programmes, such as Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, in my course. These programmes are learnable and, with practice, you can soon find your way around them. In my view, knowledge of these programmes is going to become a standard, just as knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel is now taken for granted at every organisation.

Why do I think this is the bachelor of tomorrow?
The world is evolving at breakneck speed due to digitisation, and it will only accelerate in the future. Don’t be alarmed when your electronics in your home start talking to you, or communicating with other objects. We will only go online more and more, and the offline and online worlds would become increasingly connected. In the future, it wouldn’t be weird to have a chip implanted in your body that takes all kinds of measurements about your health. Of course, this is a scary idea, but it will also bring many benefits. I believe in technology becoming the most important topic in education, which is why this is an education that looks at the world of tomorrow.

I hope it is now also clear why my current course Digital Business Concepts suits me so well. Below I have another video for you on why current education is not good for human creativity. Next time, I plan to post an article on the essence of futurology in education. I say until then!

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Floris Meulensteen
Floris Meulensteen

A dedicated startup developer who is passionate about creating and shaping digital value propositions.

Articles: 57

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